
Nogae Trading


The Holding ASIA entity of the group, based in Hong Kong, which oversees all the anglophone entities of the group, which will be the English skills centers of the NOGAE group located in Asia. NOGAE ASIA LTD is responsible for supporting and providing all NOGAE Group English services to NOGAE Group clients

Millennium Destinations is a Seoul-based boutique firm offering global consulting services and solutions for marketing, communications, business development, and event planning, with a strong focus on the values of responsibility, sustainability, and inclusiveness

Based on a delivery-focused approach, Millennium Destinations make a point to create innovative ideas and to transform them into actions, in areas including: strategic / operational marketing and communications, offline and online content creation, awareness-raising, promotion and outreach campaigns, product and project design and development, networking and partnership building, training, capacity-building and coaching, studies and research, etc.

Spoon Seoul, an event catering company founded in 2018, offers you incomparable culinary creations: a subtle blend of world cuisines for a festival of flavors and colors

Our menus change with the seasons, the availability of products and our clients’ wishes

At Spoon we offer menus for every occasion, private or professional. Catering to specific dietary needs, we are happy to provide halal, vegan, gluten free, or other menus on request. We also offer designed menus, tailored to your budget


The Cercle des Entrepreneurs Francophones en Corée (CEFC), a nonprofit association of French-speaking entrepreneurs in Korea, was launched with the main purpose to provide support to French-speaking entrepreneurs in their efforts to establish and run micro, small and medium-sized companies in South Korea